SunRidge Farms
Registered Katahdin Hair Sheep
Molena Georgia
Why We Love Raising Katahdin Hair Sheep!

Katahdins are an American breed of hair sheep, developed in the 1950’s and named after Mt. Katahdin in Maine. They are the most popular breed of sheep in the United States, as measured by registration and transfer numbers.

Katahdins are well known for their positive reproductive traits such as mothering ability, fertility, milk production, and lamb vigor.

At first glance, it appears that hair sheep , such as Katahdins, are goats, but hair sheep are actually full blooded sheep raised as a source of lean, sweet meat rather than wool. In fact, hair sheep more closely resemble the ancestors of today’s domestic sheep breeds which had long coarse hair and a short downy undercoat.

Katahdin ewes are docile, easily handled and make a great addition to a small farm or homestead.

Katahdins do not require shearing but naturally shed their coats when temperatures and day length begin to increase. They also do not require tail docking.

Katahdins are bred to have a natural resistance to gastrointestinal parasites, and mature sheep rarely require deworming.
Harry & Suzanne began their farm, SunRidge Farms in 2015, naming it after watching the sunrise coming up over the ridge across from the farm. It is located in Molena, Georgia which is in the Western central region of the state, about 30 miles from Pine Mountain, Georgia and F.D. Roosevelt State Park. Our original breeding stock of purebred registered Katahdin sheep was purchased from WarmSprings Katahdins. We are members of Katahdin Hair Sheep International, Southcentral Katahdin Hair Sheep Association, and Georgia Sheep and Wool Grower Associations.
Harry & Suzanne have both completed the UGA Extension Master Small Ruminant Course.
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